Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter's greatest truth

"I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us." -Romans 8

This last weekend was the Christian celebration of the crucifixion and Easter. It's a celebration of so much more than we can even explain or think about in these few days, but core to it all is this- it's about God's love for us. Because he loved us he came, became one of us, died for our sins, and then rose to give us his life and hope for the future. It was all because of his love that the events of the last weekend happened more than 2,000 years ago.

The greatest truth of Easter is this- God loves you. In fact his love is the reason for the Christian faith. I can't think of another religion on the planet that declares, as the Christian faith does, that our God loves us and that's why Jesus became a man and died. It's an amazing story all based on love. No other faith has such a reason for its existence. No other religion has a god passionately in love with his creation as the God of the bible portrays.

Personally, this message is my greatest solace. It's core to my faith. There is a simple verse that every Christian knows, but most miss the heart behind God's actions...."For God so loved the world..." It was love that put this whole Jesus story into action and it was a love eternally working in past history. That's the entire message of the bible- God loves us. It's the golden thread woven throughout the bible. And it's what keeps drawing me closer to him. As I get closer to God I see him not as a judge, a fearsome God waiting to punish me, but I see a loving father waiting to embrace me.....with all my messy life included. God loves me. He loves you. That's the message of Easter.

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