Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Rules

By Mike Messerli

RULE #1- It’s ALL about me! I’m the “god” of my world, the “lord” of my universe.

This would work for most people, except for the fact that Rule #2 is also true, it says:

RULE #2- Everyone else also thinks rule #1 applies to them.

The reality is that Rules 1 &2 do not “work”, thus Rule #3:

RULE #3- We all need a new God. The one we “worship” now is not working. We need to allow God, the one who made heaven and earth, to be the only God in our lives, and Lord of our lives. We must stop trying to be our own “gods”.

RULE #4- Sin is defined as any attempt I make to reestablish rule #1.


  1. Sounds pretty simple if you ask me. (But in reality, it's hard to live out!)

  2. YES INDEED! I never said it was easy....we are masters of Rule #1 and rather poor at #3.
