Friday, March 30, 2012

One day...

"...there will no longer be any mourning or crying or pain." -Revelation 21

Revelation 21 describes a day, a day not too far off, when all mourning, crying and pain will end. Those few words speak so much more than we can imagine.

As a pastor I deal with these three enemies of the soul on a daily basis. They are my enemies as well. All three- mourning, crying and pain, are the results of an action of another, a wound of a friend, a betrayal of a husband or wife, the loss of a child. All three describe the results of sin in the human race and in our world. Sin that would cause us to hurt another soul that God made.

When the bible speaks of mourning, crying and pain coming to any end it means as well that the causes that brought them will be gone! We won't mourn anymore because there will be nothing to cause it. We won't cry again because there will never again be a reason to cry. We won't feel pain again, physical or emotional, because the causes of pain will be forever gone.

The ending of these three results of sin declare to the human race that there will be an end to sin's rule on planet earth. One day a new government will rule and mourning, crying and pain will never be known again. I can't even imagine how great that will be. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that Rev 21 is referring to Heaven or will that begin in the Millennial Kingdom? I always thought that it referred to Heaven where we will finally be rid of Satan and be in our glorious bodies forever praising and in the presence of God and that the Millennial Kingdom was still here on Earth under rule of the King of kings, Yeshua.

    Doug Rose (Friends w/ Steve Kendall from facebook)
