Sunday, March 04, 2012

Question for the day

I've never done this before, but since I'm teaching an apologetics class right now the question is on my mind today, so let's talk about it....

Can there be only one way to God? Or, said another way, Is there only one right answer to the question "How do I find God?"

It's the question of our day, let's talk about it....


  1. The Bible teaches that there is only 1 way? Nevertheless, is this only for Christians, what about other gods? Who says that there is only one God? There are so many people with so many views; it only seems right there should be many gods to support all the different peoples. I guess we first should define "God?" How do we see him, what are his attributes, and how does he talk to you and me? If I sense God, does that mean I am hearing things? Such a deep question a good one, one that is deep or is it only on the surface for most people? It will be interesting what people of God, gods think? What is your god? I ask?

  2. How many books have been printed and before that brain cells used concerning this? Thank you Mike, for posting this, deeper study has been a joy.

    Don't live Life working to hide from God, it can't be done. Soon (probably already) humans will be able to pinpoint anything, that has measure, and observe it every second going forward until they choose to stop. Not long after that everything will be observed and pinpointed for closer observation.

    How much more does the Creator of Life know each and everyone of us? We are all given Life from God and/or from that which was before the "Big Bang" whatever you wish to call that. "I Am" would be very fitting to those who are forever searching for, that which abides in us all, the beginning of Life.

    Has anyone not felt that inner voice or sense of God that can help guide our choices. Animals even show signs of it in their love of Life and fear of death. One can work to ignore it and with practice think they do. Only to find themselves as a mouse in a new maze,

    or as written in Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been...shall be... which is done...shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." 1:13 "I gave my heart to search and seek out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven"... 1:14 " I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit."

    or Howard Hughes one of the richest most successful persons in the 20th century yet lived his final years pretty much as a recluse, moving between hotels, extremely unkept nails/beard/hair(glad I don't have a web-cam) =), 90 lbs. on a 6'4" frame, had to be fingerprinted for identifaction at death. Yet was still a multi-billionaire.

    Even The Greeks with all their gods had a temple that came to be known as the temple to the unknown god.

    You can find God anywhere since God is everywhere we are. It is us who try and hide from God. We choose to be the image that those around us have helped us make "Image is Everything."(BTW I never liked that commercial if any remember it) It might have been in Agassi's book, maybe not, but I read in something "Image is everything if you spend more time than not letting someone else choose for you." Another peeve of mine is how cheapened loyalty has become. Seems that this was added to the description "moreso if they lie, cheat, steal, etc..." One needs to be loyal to God first and always. One shouldn't follow, join, vote, contribute, etc. to any that think that's part of being loyal. Oops, getting alittle offtopic but I feel loyalty to vanity and false idols is a huge problem leaders use to control far to many in these days.

    Lastly in a previous post about seeing the Power and Faithfulness of God as we look into the Heavens' at night, thinking about how many light-years those stars are away and futher yet, and the sense of how small it has made us all feel. Whether written or unwritten, known or unknown, seen or unseen, God is the same there
    as he is in our hearts. Sorta washed away that small feeling. Greater is God with-in me than he that's in the World. Til we meet again, later.

    P.S. Believe in God's Son and accept everlasting life through Grace.
