Monday, March 05, 2012

Joy in his presence

Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Joy in his presence....what an amazing thought, that joy, as it's meant to be is lived out is experienced in the presence of God. That's not a someday far away thing, but it's a reality, or should I say possibility right now. Joy in his presence is possible in our daily lives even as we wait for his return. His presence is not a somewhere else place, but it's right here, right now living in the presence of the God who is and rejoicing in him. Joy is the result.

I have glimpses of joy now, but I so wish I could grasp this reality moment by moment...this joy in his presence thing. I'm enticed by the possibility that joy can be part of my life now. Not because of something I have, a place I go, something I buy, or how I feel, but the fact that I'm his child in his presence and joy is the reward. Joy in his of the great blessing of knowing God.

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