Friday, February 10, 2012

Manna-feast destiny

I'm reading through Exodus right now and as I read about God's provision for the nation of Israel in the desert it strikes me that the daily provision of manna was not simply in one place, at the place it first became available, but it followed them on their 40 year journey. Wherever they went, wherever they camped manna was there the next morning. I'm sure it became expected for them, as it does for us but it struck me that God's provision met them where they were, in their location, in the place where God had brought them manna was provided on a daily basis.

This simple insight made me aware of this same truth for us. As we move through our lives God brings provision to us, along our journey, where we are. When we awake God's provision is there. We take it for granted, but this moving manna-feast for the nation of Israel teaches us a simple truth- God's provision meets our needs where we are, wherever that might be.

The great challenge for us, as it was for Israel, is to not let this miracle of provision become a normal expectation of our days. I pray we are always aware of the miraculous provision of God as we walk through our days.

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