Friday, February 10, 2012

The body of Christ

This week was a wonderful blessing for me.

This week my wife and I, along with our senior pastor and worship pastor and their wives went on a retreat together.

The retreat was in the hill country of Texas. It was held at a great retreat center called Laity Lodge. I haven't been on a retreat in ages, especially with other staff, and this was with pastors from a host of different denominations and communities.

I'm going to ramble here a bit, but the week was a surprise, refreshing, restful, encouraging and eye opening. I met men and women that challenged me and I want to keep in touch with them in the days ahead. I experienced worship music different than I had ever heard and fell in love with it. I realized how narrow my world and community really is. It really surprised me to be reminded of things I had experienced, communities I had been part of, worlds I had visited but forgot about in the small world I live in now. It was a fresh breath for me. A needed freshness.

My life in ministry has woven through nearly every faith community and over the decades I have enjoyed the faith and walk of many from different fellowships, but I forgot how wonderful it is to be part of the larger body of worship differently, to hear the word taught in a new way, to meet great friends I had not known before. It was refreshing, encouraging and a blessing. It was much needed!

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