Monday, January 30, 2012


Waiting. It's one of the hardest things we do. Waiting for answers, waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for someone to arrive. Waiting is loaded with expectations and anticipations. We are waiting for something, someone and things will change when the waiting is over.

Waiting is a pause in our lives, as if the picture is frozen on the screen and we wait for someone to once more push the play button. Waiting is hard.

Waiting involves the passing of time as we anticipate the thing, the one we wait for. Anticipation. Expectation. Frustration at times are all part of this thing called waiting. As I read Psalm 37 this morning, one of my favorite Psalms, it's clear that God invites us to wait for Him. Several times in this chapter the invitation is given to wait for the Lord. There are good reasons for this. We conclude God is late, has gotten busy somewhere else, has forgotten us, but the truth is that we have simply missed God's ways and timing and so we find we wait for the one who is never late.

"Wait for the Lord and keep his way" David writes. In this short phrase are the instructions for those of us waiting, while you wait walk with God until he arrives. The truth is he is always with us, never leaves us, but waiting involves a patience with God's timing, God's plans, God's ways. It involves my choices to walk well while I wait.

"But those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land." There is a reward for waiting. The reward is God's business, but the waiting is ours.

There is a reason for the waiting. We may not always know what that is, but wait we must and trust God to work while we wait.

There is a rest in waiting. It means I have someone I'm trusting for what's ahead and I dare not proceed until he arrives. It's an awareness that I must not walk alone the road ahead, but wait for God to walk with me, to lead me and guide me.

There is a peace in waiting. It's the realization that I wait for one who will accomplish all I wait for. The God who made heaven and earth asks me to wait for him. Why wouldn't I? How would I dare proceed without him? Waiting for God is the most logical decision of all!

What are you waiting for? Direction? Answers to prayer? A job? Healing? Peace? God's response to your waiting? "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret...." In other words, don't worry. God's coming. He will sort it all out for you. Rest in him, relax, don't worry, he's coming....he's never late.

Wait for the Lord.


  1. Good stuff, Mike. I'm doing a study right now with a buddy of mine on characters in the Bible who had to wait. Some chose not to and there were huge consequences as a result. We've looked at about 8 characters, the last one being Jesus himself. Even he submitted himself to the discipline and blessings of waiting.

  2. this blog is so charming and nice thx u god bless u i found t answer i was looking for...!! :)

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this blog!
    ”There is a rest in waiting. It means I have someone I'm trusting for what's ahead and I dare not proceed until he arrives.” These phrases made me think about Saul and David. The first one did not wait for God's time, whereas David, even if he had two chances to kill Saul and become king, he chose to wait for God.
    May the Lord bless you with peace!
