Sunday, January 29, 2012

Part of the plan

I just read Exodus 3, the call of Moses to free Israel from Egypt, and it is fascinating to see how God orchestrates the events of our lives to accomplish his work. Moses had no plans to ever see Egypt or his people again, but a burning bush, the voice of God and a plan he knew nothing about changed everything. I still have a lot of questions as I read this passage, a lot of thoughts about this partnership with the God of the universe, but all through the bible I see it...God working in and through men to accomplish his plan. For those in the middle of the process they can only see what is happening right now, but as it unfolds there are a series of "Ah-ha moments" as we see God work. I think I'm seeing a few of those things now. It's very exciting to be part of the plan of God on planet earth.

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