Monday, January 02, 2012

A new year

A new year.

A fresh start.

Hope for better things.

Desire for change.

It was just another day. It wasn't anything special in the grand scheme of things, but we have made calendars so for us it was the start of something new. Another year, a new beginning, fresh hopes. Maybe this year.....

A new year is a wonderful opportunity to make a new list of priorities for our lives. It's often the case that as a year moves through its seasons we forget what is most important and find ourselves busy with the small urgencies of life. Let me suggest, let me encourage you to make a short list of what is most important to you this year, no more that 5 things, and make those things the filters through which you use your 365 days of the year ahead.

Here are a few suggestions- Pursue a relationship with God, read a book each month about something that will encourage or inspire you, commit to reading the bible each day this year, take time each day to dream, write a journal, write a book, do something fun each week, develop a new hobby or interest, learn something new, intentionally ask one person each week about their life (this could be a daily activity for many of us), and on the list goes. These are not necessarily resolutions, they are simply priorities. And yes, for some of you exercise is on the list isn't it? But whatever you do with this new year do it intentionally. Don't simply let the year fly by and not use every moment well for the glory of God. Have a great year!

1 comment:

  1. Love the large print change. Is that somthing for the old eyes in this new years greeting?
