Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of year thoughts and reflections

Another year is past. They are moving quickly now. I have officially seen 61 of them and I'm still amazed at the opportunity to walk with God in his creation. Here are a few staccato thoughts on the year that has passed,

- It's been a difficult year for changes in our lives. A lot of losses, not many gains. Some years are like that. We always hope for better days ahead.....eternal optimists, aren't we?

- I think this year I have begun to mellow a little bit. I seem to be able to slow down my pace of life and relax a little more. It may be age, but I hope it's wisdom.

- This year I have lost several really good friends, they have gone on ahead of me to glory. I miss them. I know that the reality of life is that more and more of those you know will depart before you do. Today I'm thinking about faces I have lost this year that I will greatly miss.

- I am blessed. More than I can even describe in words I am blessed. I don't have a big house or new car or much in the bank, but I feel more blessed than I can describe. Thanks Lord.

- It's the end of the year, time to make resolutions. I only have one- eat right. My goal in the new year is to lose a few pounds and eat better.

- At the end of each year I read the book of Ecclesiastes. Today is the day. It's a great book to read at the end of a year, but you have to read it in one sitting. It makes a big difference in your view of things as the new year arrives.

- Regrets? A lot. My list of "I wish I would have..." is long. Sorry about that.

- Hopes? I hope to walk with God in a way that pleases him. I have no idea where or what that will look like, but I hope and pray I can do that in the new year.

- Plans? Africa in April. I will try to stop in Israel on the way back, still working on that. Never been there, need to try to stop since I will be flying over.

I hope you all have a wonderful 2012. Live well, live for God, enjoy your year.

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