Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Who said it?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Who said it? And, what do you think about this statement?


  1. Who said it? It was either a cartoonist, or an entrupenuer.
    The truth of the statement depends on understanding of what each word means. If we look at Gods statment about the pre-flood condition of man's heart, "the imagination of man's hearts were continually evil". Also the begininng of wisdom is the knowledge of God then the statement has to be false.
    The other way of looking at the statment is knowledge unapplied profits nothing. Imagination is the way people use their limited knowledge to provide a hoped good outcome.

  2. Mike, I'll post the answer tomorrow, but I think you will be surprised.

  3. I cheated and looked it up (but I won't tell). And yes I'm surprised.

  4. Seems I've read that quote in the past year or so, I'll save my lifelines and say Einstein, final answer.

    Knowledge seems measurable and imagination is past that measure.

    Now to see how far off my hunch was. Later, =)

  5. Charlie, you got it. Albert Einstein it was.
