Sunday, October 30, 2011

But through me...

This morning, on the way to the church, I was listening to one of my favorite bible teachers. He was speaking about our culture and attempts by many to make all religions melt into one common pond. "All roads lead to God" is the claim. "We all have our own truth" another proclaims. All is well with the world until someone says, "I think there's only one way." Then, with great disdain, the world ridicules the one who makes such a claim. We are in a time when every view is permitted expect the view that access to God is exclusive. That view is not permitted in our melting pot of ideas, but one man claimed such an exclusive place in history. Here's what he said, "Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." But through me....what an amazing statement. Jesus is claiming that he is the only way to the Father, to God.

When we repeat his claim to a world where all roads lead to God they claim we are intolerant, but what we claim is the claim of our founder who said, basically, if you want to get to God you have to go through me. He is, by his own claim and our faith, the only road to God. If you reject him you have no other road to God. That's the core belief of the Christian faith, it's the belief we are most ridiculed for believing. You see all views are accepted today except for an exclusive view. With so many drowning in sin, looking for hope, this is the wonderful hope we proclaim, you can find God and it's through his son. No one can come to the Father but through Jesus Christ. Exclusive? Yes! Clear? Yes! Simple? Yes! Accepted? Yes, by a few who want to find God. The path? It's only through Him.

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