Wednesday, November 09, 2011


I found the following blog title on another site very interesting,

"Atheists do not need to have all the answers"

It made me smile. My first thought, "Really? You claim to have all the answers." If this is new ground my atheist friend is giving up then maybe he needs to change his affiliation to agnostic. At least, not knowing everything, this would be a more honest description of his beliefs.

The claim of the atheist is this- there is no God. And with that declaration he has claimed absolute knowledge of all space, time, dimensions and history. It's an arrogant place to stand, a foolish one.

David wrote of these men when he said, "The fool has said in his heart there is no God." David considered such an arrogant man a fool which puts such a person far from omniscience. All of creation screams there is an intelligent designer, there is someone who made all this. To deny that is the height of arrogance and foolishness.

I'm glad my atheist friend has given up some territory in his admission he doesn't have all the answers. Maybe one day he will realize that in those answers he doesn't have is the God he doesn't want.

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