Friday, November 11, 2011

61 years ago today

My parents sent this photo to me yesterday. In my failing memory this was the first time I had ever seen this picture. It's a picture of my parents (at the end of the table) hosting Christmas dinner in 1950. It's also my first Christmas dinner. If you can see it (and yes this is an old photo...dates me, doesn't it?) I'm the baby at the end of the table. Many of the people in the photo are gone, but this brief glimpse of life in 1950 is my first holiday.

They sent this photo to me because today is my birthday. I'm 61. It's painful to say that because I can't believe I'm that old! How did this happen so quickly? I can't be THAT old! But here I am. It passes so quickly. We finish with a flurry and admit it was all too short, too quick. I understand James' words as he writes in chapter 5 that we are just a vapor that appears for a moment and then is gone. In a small corner of this planet, for a brief number of years we will each live out our lives. It passes so quickly. I have no idea how many more years I have, but I want to use every moment well, for the Lord, to love people and enjoy life. I want to finish well. So today I'm going to pause, enjoy and reflect on the joys of life, family, friends and ministry.


  1. Happy Birthday, Mike. There are a gazillion wishes on FB, so I'm excited to be the first one here. You are just now starting your "third third." It's a great time to be alive and serving God.

    Have a great day!!


  2. Happy Birthday, Mike. What a wonderful day to be 60+1.
