Monday, November 07, 2011

Little things

This week is my birthday and I'm already getting birthday wishes on Facebook. I am a year away from being able to draw social security! How did this happen, I can't be that old? How does life pass by so quickly and suddenly we are in those last years? It's amazing, from this vantage point, to realize how quickly these few years pass. This morning it strikes me that the secret, at least for me, in living well is in the little things. Some might strive for wealth and fame, but I'm finding that the best parts of life and the grandest successes come in the little things. Let me give you a list and feel free to add your own to this short list of little things that make a difference,

A hot cup of coffee
Watching the sun rise
Quiet time to think
A dog to pet
A God I can talk to
Time to read his word
People to love
Good food
A laugh
A cup of cold water
People to pray for
A good God

Little things, insignificant by themselves, but they are the colors of life, the richness that make the days worth living. Little things we don't think about because they are little, they are moments and pass so quickly. Savor the little things today, say thank you to God for the little things. It might surprise you how many of them fill your days.

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