Saturday, November 05, 2011


Matthew 7:12
“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

Years ago I heard this story. It's one I have repeated often. It comes to my mind at times as I interact with people,

A family was moving across the country after many years in one location. They stopped at a gas station to refuel as they got close to their new home. The father asked the gas attendant, "What are the people like here? We are moving from across the country and don't know what to expect." The attendant replied, "What were they like where you came from?" The father said, "Oh they were unfriendly, mean and hard to get along with." The attendant said, "Oh, I'm so sorry, well, that's pretty much the way they are here too."

A few hours later another family stopped at that same gas station to get fuel and the father asked the attendant, "What are the people like here? We are moving from across the country and don't know what to expect." The attendant replied, "What were they like where you came from?" The father said, "Oh they were wonderful! Everyone was friendly, sweet and cared about each other. We so hate to leave them." The attendant replied, "Well, that's pretty much what they are like here, I think you will love it."

How much of what we get from others is what they sense they are getting from us? More than we know. How do you view other people? Do you see them as kind, wonderful and a blessing or are they an annoyance, irritating and in your way? The way you treat others is the way they will treat you. Jesus made it clear that we model the responses we get from other people by how we treat them.

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you."

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