Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Slave or bondservant?

"You gotta serve somebody." These words from Bob Dylan describe more than most know.

The bible teaches that we will each be servants of someone, of one of two masters. One is voluntary, the other is not. Slave or bond servant. Those are the two options. A slave is purchased and then, for the rest of his life, is owned by and slave to the one who owns him. A bond servant picks his master. The term of indenture is the same, a lifetime, but what a difference it would make if you could choose whom you serve!

Paul writes about this in 2 Timothy when he says, "Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil's trap. For they have been held captive by him to do WHATEVER HE WANTS." As I read those words this morning it struck me that the grand cry of our culture is freedom to do what I want, but what they don't realize is it's not their will they are accomplishing, but the will of their master! They are slaves, subject to the master's will and that's what they do....what HE wants. It's a false freedom and a cruel slavery.

In contrast Jesus comes and offers us a place, an identity as a son, a co-heir, a child of the king and not one of slave in bondage to a cruel master. It's a bond servant role, one we take on by our choice, but it's service to a loving God and wonderful savior. For the slave obedience is not optional. They will do as the master says. For the bond servant the whole picture changes....we respond to our master out of love for what he has done for us. It's not by compulsion, but in response to love. What a difference in motivation!

We each are subject to someone. Many to the cruel master the bible calls the devil. They will do whatever he wants even as they think it's their will and desires they are living out. Many others will choose a different master. One who loves, cares and invites our response to him. There is no compulsion to obey as a slave would, but there is, for the believer in love with the Lord, a passionate desire to respond to a God who loves us so dearly. Out of that love my life is one of willing obedience motivated by love.

You're going to serve someone. Slave or bond servant, the choice is yours. This is the great battle of the ages, not who will rule nations or win wars, but who will win the hearts and obedience of man. That's the true battle of the ages. So which are you? Slave or bond servant? There is no third option. One master is cruel, harsh and only wishes your obedience at the cost of your eternity. For your obedience you get nothing! The other master gave his life to provide life for us, sonship, forgiveness and so much more. His invitation is simply, "follow me," and in that relationship based on love I find myself a willing bond servant because of his love for me.

Slave or bond servant, the choice is yours.


  1. Awesome writing and such a perfect description of how it really is and should be known by all. I long for a family member to know only one savior, a master, to know this as you have written. People cannot mix a recipe of who they think God is so it's an easy way of life, they think it is okay though. The deceiver has them in his palm. So in the recipe, as they are a slave without knowing (or really may know but just don't get it yet or choose to accept the Christian way of life), is a mix of lord, Budah, guides,and angels. Giving life to inanimate things. Participating in the false security of the present and future.

    Another family member is doing 'just fine' and hasn't done anything in need of repenting, doesn't understand savior and refuses outright to listen or accept Christ. But serving the evil one is not in their mind, and both are on the wrong path. :( Sad.

    I don't give up hope in the power of God answering prayers for both of them in his way and time... to see what you have described, for the deceptive veil to be removed. But then, what if Jesus comes today. They might wish they had chosen correctly and submitted to the one master that leads to salvation and beauty, purpose and eternity as a bondservant freely out of love instead of a slave.

  2. I love this post. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful message by the way. Meant to say that.

  3. Michell,

    thank you so much for your kind words. you are such an encouragement. thank you.
