Monday, October 17, 2011

A good king rules

Psalm 97:1 The LORD reigns,
let the earth be glad;

There are some beautiful passages in Psalms that speak of God's rule over his universe, but this morning may I focus on just the first line of Psalm 97? The passage is a wonderful worship passage rich with praise for God's work and power, but this very first line in the chapter has a richness that stands alone.

There is something we must know- there must be someone in charge. This world, this universe is simply too amazing to not have a creator! To believe it all just happened takes more faith than to simply believe that God exists, but which God? What we see around us is a friendly world, one that is conducive to our lives. A world of beauty at times and a place of peace if we will seek it. There are some basic things about God that are revealed with a simply look to the creation.

1. God is good. His goodness shows up every morning. We do not live in a world with a jealous Zeus on the throne ready to kill us if we get out of line. The God of the universe is good and he's good to everyone.

2. God is faithful. Every morning the sun comes up. Every night it goes down. We know his faithfulness so well we record sunrise and sunset. He's faithful to us in his promises.

3. God is kind. There is so much to say about this it's hard to know where to start, but let me simply say that God's kindness draws us to him. It's his kindness that makes us want to know more, know him better.

The list is endless, but let me revisit the first line of Psalm 97 with a closing thought, "The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad;" A good king rules the affairs of men and has sought out a relationship with us. Even when we reject his rule he still loves, reaches out, is kind and faithful. Be glad, God reigns. It's a good thing!


  1. amen to that! Thank the Lord for he is LORD, the one, the only, alpha and omega, to whom every single knee will bow. What a solid future I have in Jesus. His heart must break over so much of what happens in the world, hard hearts he wants to heal, insecurity that fame tries to replace. I'm so thankful for faith in the Lord. Without him I have and am nothing. Praise to the Lord for nothing is imposible for him!!!
