Friday, September 23, 2011

Finishing well

This site is titled "Finishing well" for a reason. That's my desire, to finish well, to please God with my life, to do something eternal. It's my desire to use my life, my years for something that will last beyond me. I have to tell you that I'm far from perfect, but I want to use my brokenness, my frail life, for God's glory and kingdom. I don't always get it right or do well, but my intent is clear- I want to please God. My problem? I'm still under construction, I'm still not perfect....far from it, but I'm on a quest to finish well. To help with this quest I have a few personal questions I ask myself and often ask others. Let me offer them for our discussion this morning. Here they are,

1. How do you want to be remembered? What do you hope people will say about you at your funeral?

2. What's your goal in life?

3. If you could achieve just one thing with your life what would it be?

4. We all want to live a life of significance, we want to make a difference. If you could make a difference in just one thing, one field, one quest, what would it be?

5. What's most important to you? People or things?

These are basic questions, but they might help to think through direction, purpose and desires. We will never reach our destination if we didn't choose one when we started the trip. If you don't know where you're going then how do you know when you have arrived? Finishing well is a discussion on these issues and questions. Ask them of yourself. Where are you going? Why? What do you want to achieve with the few years you have here? Are you after fame? fortune? freedom? What is the fuel that drives you on? Where are you going? What will "Finishing well" mean to you?

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