Friday, September 23, 2011


This morning I just realized I have at least four different blog sites I have created or write for, no wait.....there are two more. It's six sites! I don't have enough to say for all those sites and the newspaper articles I write as well. It often feels I don't have enough to say for this site how can I write for more! The hard thing for me is the loss of focus on what the goal of the site is. I easily wander around, just as my life wanders, thinking and writing about what's going on with me right now. It's clear I have a chaotic mind and probably a chaotic life. Not sure at this age if any of that can be corrected. Chaos has become normal and so I have, over time, gotten comfortable with chaos. Hey, there's a title for an article, "Comfortable with Chaos". Anyway, I won't bore you with nothing, because that's what this post is, but I just realized that as I try to use my life and experiences well I have perhaps tried to do too much. I may have to cut this all down to just a few sites, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're plugged-in and have power, maybe try a power strip or a surge protector. =)
