Thursday, May 19, 2011


"They forgot to remember." This was a problem for Israel as they walked with God. It's our problem too. We forget to remember what God has done. We forget how faithful he has been and each crisis is then an urgent one because we seem to have amnesia when it comes to God's work in our lives.

God knows this about us so early in the history of Israel he established a habit of remembering. The people of Israel, from Moses on, would set up stone markers at important places to remind them of God's work in their lives. It's a great lesson for us as well. Here's just one of the stories,

1 Samuel 7:12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.”

From that day on there was a stone marker to remind them of what God had done. These markers were teaching opportunities for their children as well. "Dad, what's that stone for?" And then the stories would follow. They were remembering stones.

We need these remembering stones in our lives as well. Markers to remind us of God's work at key times. We need them because we forget. We need them because we forget to remember. "Oh, I remember.....God took care of me then, I know he can do this as well."

Find ways to establish "remembering stones" in your life and name them so you won't forget to remember all that God has done in the days that have passed.

There's a new popular book about this very idea, it's called "One thousand gifts." We all need places to remember, things to remind us that God has met our needs, he has taken care of us, he has been faithful. Each remembering stone, whatever you use as your places to remember, will give you an opportunity for praise and a place to renew your trust in the God who has always taken care of you.

Find ways in your life to remember how wonderful God has been, they will be markers to remind you of our great God's daily love and provision. I think you will find he has been far busier in your life than you ever imagined.

1 comment:

  1. Charm bracelet! Instead of a stone, I'll collect charms that commerate how God worked in my life. then everytime my fingers touch one or my eye falls on one, I'll be reminded of His faithfulness....because I do forget. Only problem is, are there charms that represent loss and pain and disasters?

    I love the idea of journaling our blessings. Gratitude helps me remember the miracle of His great love. So, did you read "One Thousand Gifts"?
