Friday, May 20, 2011

Just thinking.....a bit

I have a few moments today. It's my day off, but for me....most of the's just a chance to catch up on other things that I have had to ignore. Tonight, a wedding rehearsal. I'm excited about this wedding. I really love the young lady and her sweetie has passed all my "tests" so I think they will do well. Tomorrow, a men's breakfast. It is an unplanned event that happened because of confusion in the office. Sometimes that happens and we make the best of it. The reason it's on my mind is because, with the quick change, we don't have a speaker, so I will get that task. I love having the chance to speak, but that means I have to prepare, have to think about my heart and life. It's sometimes hard.

As I thought about all of this I thought about a video I saw yesterday by Francis Chan. I really love his heart. He's got a heart and thought process that challenges me. He makes me think and that's always a good thing. I have heard so many sermons, so many speakers through the years that's it often hard to hear something I haven't heard or taught myself. To be challenged is always a surprise and a good thing. This video did that for me....made me think....about heart, passion, the world around me. It's not all sorted as we would often like to think in Christian circles. I know that some I listen to "have it all figured out" and others admit they really don't know as much as they think they do. I like the guy who is honest and realizes he doesn't have it all figured out. I love the guy who is still content with mystery, questions...often unanswered questions. I love the guy who can live with a little uneasiness and admit "I don't really know." I love those guys because they are men and women I can relate to. I KNOW I don't know. This whole thing about God, creation and everything else is much more than our tiny little brains can sort out.

I think that's why I get frustrated by atheists. They are, in my opinion, arrogant and pompous in their declaration, "There is no god!" And I think, how do they know that? Have they traveled to every dimension of time and reality, to every corner of the universe, to realms they can't even know about now and say, with great authority, "There is no God!" I don't think so. If they were honest they would simply say, "You know, I don't see evidence right now for God, but I'm open, I just don't know." Now that's a guy I respect!

Well, as you can tell, this is a post about nothing, just thinking a bit about my weekend, a wedding, a group of men I want to talk to honestly and a video by Francis Chan. My life and head are like that....a hundred scrambled things all swirling around at the same time. In a way I look forward to vacation next week....a time when I can get away and not think at all, but actually just the opposite will happen. It will be a time to spend with my sweet wife and God and let them drive the direction of my thoughts. I can't wait. Well, enough rambling for now. On to other things. I may be back with some thoughts this afternoon. Working through some passages now. I am trying the ESV version for a bit. I really don't care for it. It's awkward, choppy and not that well written. Maybe 40 years in the NASB and more than 20 in the NIV has me comfortable with a certain word order, certain way of saying something. I'm just not enjoying the ESV, but plan to spend a year in it and see what I see.

Ok, enough rambling, have a great day.


  1. Hi Mike!

    At first I had a hard time with the ESV myself, but I've been forcing myself to use it and find it perfectly readable right now.

    You're right though, there are some awkward constructs. Steve had a good paper from one of his old profs at DTS, on "Why the ESV shouldn't be the Standard English Version". It was a decent read.

    Anyhow, I'm warming up to it more and more. Maybe my time with the NIV and NASB have ruined me as well (though I did take an immediate shine to the HCSB).

    I just wish we had a translation that everyone was using, like in the old days with the KJV!


  2. Rom, yes, me too....can't we all just read the same translation? I like the HCSB as well, it's a very good translation. Not sure I can endure the ESV, but am trying. thanks for the comment.

  3. Mike, thanks for your honesty. Hope you have a vacation with some rest, some fun, and good memories to look back on some day. Barry
