Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quote of the day

"I'm coin operated." -a salesman in the computer industry

I had coffee with one of the men in our church this morning. It's always good to see him. He's a great guy, great thinker and he loves his wife. I say that because it's important. He mentioned this quote in our visit and I had to stop him to talk about it. Basically, this quote comes from a guy in his company who is saying that what really turns him on is money. Put in a coin and he will come to life..."he's coin operated." The money moves him, motivates him to action.

So, what motivates you?

Is it money?




What brings you to life?

A passion for faith?

Love for God?

If you were to fill in the blank, "I'm ___________ operated" what would you put in the blank? We are all motivated by something. At least this man was honest enough to talk about what turns him on. It sure got me thinking about motivations. I hope it makes you think as well.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly. if I'm honest, it would be "approval."

    But God isn't finished with me yet.
