Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There are days when the challenges and pitfalls of life sneak up on us. It's easy to fall if you're not watching the road ahead. The Christian life is described as a walk because there are element of walking that are part of it. There is the decision to go somewhere other than where you are. That's step 1. Then you have to begin and that involves direction. Which way do I go? How do I get there? That's step 2. And then there is the awareness that the path, any path, has uneven places, hard places, and may be difficult to traverse, so we have to watch where we are going. That's step 3. There are challenges along the way. An unexpected dip in the road can cause us to fall if we aren't watching where we're going. The Christian walk was never promised to be easy, but it is never boring. All along the way are other people walking towards the same goal. Following the same path. Knowing you're not alone is a great encouragement. It also helps to have others ahead of us who will let us know where the pitfalls are so we can be ready. Challenges? There's nothing more challenging that walking with God. It will demand everything you have, everything you are and it will take the rest of your life to get there, but there is no journey so exciting as the journey of walking with God.

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