Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter of the soul

It's been a real winter this year in many parts of our country. Airports closed. People stranded. Cold, snow and short days make for difficult and sometimes depressing days. Winter is a time when nature rests. There is a quietness about winter, a silence that comes with the cold and the storm. Winter forces us to slow down and take a break.

In my own life I've found that I often have a winter of the soul. It's a time when, it seems, my heart is cold, sterile, and empty. It's a regular season of my walk with God and I think the winter of nature describes it better than I could with words. It's in these times when all is cold, quiet and often depressing that our hearts are forced to quietness and a hunger once more for God. It's a time for the soul to rest.

The winter of the soul also renews my thirst for God and his presence. In the sterile cold of winter I long for spring....to see the green, the new growth, the new life. Winter rekindles my longing for the life of God in my own soul. The winter of the soul makes me aware of how much I need the breath of God in my life to give me life. In the winter of the soul, when all is dead, I'm aware of what I'm missing and I long for his life to once more give me life. I long for his Spirit to bring spring to my snow-crusted soul.

These seasons of the soul are wonderful times to rest, review and renew my walk. When the cold of winter touches your soul welcome it as a season of faith and relish the season as you wait for God's spring to come and refresh you once more.


  1. Noticed you deleted some of your blog entries around christmas, as well as the posts i entered about myth. I am really perplexed as to why you would do that, can you clarify?

  2. Scratch that, i see them burried further down.

  3. Anon, I don't usually delete a comment unless it's just offensive. I want people to feel free to comment and share their thoughts. Thanks for double checking. And thanks for your thoughts.

  4. Thanks for the forum, hopefully it falls on ears ready to hear.
