Thursday, December 23, 2010

A time to reflect, a time to rest.

This is the perfect time of the year to reflect on God's grace and care throughout the year. It's the perfect time for me to step away and spend time with family and so I will. I'll be back with you in the new year. Have a great holiday.


  1. I see you have changed the look of your blog. I like the new look. Just checking to see if you'd posted anything. Does that mean I'm addicted to your blog?

  2. Thanks for checking. I'm just taking a mental break. I think I'm a little burned out, dried out, peopled out and frankly just mentally tired. I'm hoping the week off will give me a chance to refresh. And thanks for being addicted to my blog.

  3. You're welcome. It's been nice being home and catching ip on my blog reading.
