Friday, December 17, 2010

The mythology we live by

I read these words in a devotional a friend forwarded to me this morning. These few words struck me as I read his thoughts on one of the gospel stories. In the middle of his thoughts he said, "The mythology we live by...." I won't bother with the rest of the sentence. It's not important here. But I thought as I read these five words, what are the myths I live by? What do I believe and allow to direct my decisions that is simply not true? What mythology dictates my life choices?

Some would say they have none, but I would disagree. I see it in my life and I'm sure I'm not unusual. If I were to list the things that dictate the decisions of my life I'm sure many would simply be mythology that has developed over time. I'm honestly convicted by the very idea. What things do I allow to direct my life and thoughts that simply is not true?

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." He made a profound claim in these few words. He is saying that if we fail to follow him in our lives we will allow the mythology of our time, our culture, our friends to turn us from the right way, from truth. These few words have me in self-evaluation mode. What are the myths I have allowed to change my course? Where have I wandered? What mythology do I live by?

1 comment:

  1. "Myth is not something that isnt true, rather its something thats true all the time." Jospeph Campbell

    The myth of the Christ is a truth that has been active in human consciousness for 2000 years. All those who call themselves christians should be following him everyday and participating in this myth. Otherwise, you are grasping onto ideas floating around in your mind. The path of the christ is your path too! Its your mythology to live out as well.
