Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finding my way

It's often hard for me to see God's work in my life. I'm living moment by moment and I can't see what he is doing in my moments. The light that shows me what God is doing sometimes comes much later. Most of the time I only get a glimpse, a stream of light through the clouds, a smile from heaven as it were. Finding my way is the challenge of life. How to navigate the road ahead when I only see a little bit in front of me. I remember, years ago, while driving late at night in my 1937 Plymouth Road King that I accidentally hit the light switch and turned off the lights. What a panic! Going down the road in pitch blackness at 60 miles per hour. I quickly fumbled for the lights and the fear that overwhelmed me from the experience took hours to wane. It's that feeling we often live with...the feeling of living in the dark. How to find the way? How to know what God is doing. It's often a matter of trust when we see nothing at all. Finding my way....I'm still working on it. But what I know is that God has promised to lead me, to help me, just as a guide would lead a blind man, holding my hand and leading me around the things I can't even see. Paul wrote these words in Philippians, "My God will supply all your needs in Christ Jesus..." My greatest need is a guide to show me the way. I'm so glad he is that tender hand leading me along...even when I can't see the way to go.

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