Tuesday, November 09, 2010

There is no god....

The declaration of the Muslim faith, their statement of faith is,

"There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet."

It's a clear statement of faith.

It's an exclusive statement of faith.

If you read it carefully it declares that the god of the Muslim faith is the only god. Their claim is absolute and exclusive. It's a declaration that the Muslim faith is the only faith with a real god.

Their statement of faith, by it's exclusive claim, says every other religion is foolishly worshiping idols. For all of those around us who believe there are many ways to god they must have never talked to an orthodox Muslim!

But, to be honest, I like the boldness of their statement of faith. No one can possibly miss their core beliefs. They are exclusive in both their faith and their revelation. I am a member of an exclusive faith as well. Like my Muslim friends I believe in absolute truth and in only one god.

This morning I read these words in the book of Isaiah,

"I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God."


he says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other."


"...there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me."
“Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other."

Now, for all of us, there is a choice to make. There is a true God, only one. The God of the bible claims to be that one. The battle of our day is simply this- which faith presents the real god for your worship? Both claim they have "the only god," but only one can.

If you're still a seeker I invite you to research the claims of Christ. His words, his deeds, his life, his death and finally his resurrection should convince you that the one true God is the one he came to reveal to us. Jesus wasn't vague about this issue either.

He made amazing claims, just as the Father did in Isaiah.

He said, "I and the Father are one."

He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me."

He said, in both word and deed, "I am God." The claims are exclusive for both faiths. The price for the wrong choice is high. I invite you to study and see if what Jesus said is true.

It's a choice that will affect you for eternity.

Of course….there is one more choice I haven’t mentioned, but it’s one that some have chosen. For them there isn’t enough information to go beyond this simple statement of faith, “There is no god….” With that they dismiss the whole discussion, but the price is too high to stop before you ask the tough questions. There is a real God, maker of heaven and earth, and he’s worth knowing. You can find out about him in the book of John in the bible. If you’re curious I invite you to read this short book. It will be worth the quest!

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