Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Heading east...

Sorry I have been missing for a bit, but it's a whirlwind week. I'm frantically trying to finish things here and get packed for a flight to Moscow on my 60th birthday.
One of my friends suggested I call the airline and ask for an upgrade on the flight since I will be flying on my 60th birthday. The representative from the airline replied to my request, "Just a moment, let me see...." After a moment she returns to the phone to tell me that, "yes, she can upgrade me...for $4,000.00." I laughed, but she didn't join me. Well, it was worth a try....
So, I'll be sitting in a cramped airline seat on my 60th birthday on my way to Moscow. That's the bad news, but the good news is very similar- I'll be on an airplane heading for Moscow on my birthday. It's hard to fuss about the seating when I get to be part of a wonderful trip like this.
I'm looking forward to the trip and our time with the sister church in Russia. This is a big weekend for them. We will be joining them as they dedicate their new church building. We are excited about this church. It's been more than 8 years in the making.
I'll post photos and video as often as I can get near an internet connection. Thank you for your prayers.

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