Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Observations: the price of conformity

When you travel to another culture it's easy to see the things that are different. It's obvious the choices the culture has made to be alike, to fit in. I noticed that in Russia. It was interesting to see every young lady we passed in 4-5" high heel shoes! They may have had a dress or blue jeans, but all of them were wearing high heels. Really high heels! It was obvious that the cultural norm for young women was at least a 4" heel. The price of conformity is high indeed. What will we do to fit in, to be like everyone else? Almost anything! Imagine how wide the brush stroke of cultural conformity is that would draw a whole culture of young women into a painful lifestyle simply to look like everyone else. Peer pressure is much bigger than we realize. It's clear, from my observations on high heels in Russia, that the anti-Christ will have an easy time changing the world if Russian girls are willing to suffer such pain simply to fit in. When everyone else is doing it how could we not be like them? Even if it hurts....

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