Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Made to worship

We were made to worship.

It's part of us.

It's part of who we are.

We look for someone to worship, some thing to worship. If we don't worship a god of some kind we will worship things, ourselves, others.

We were made to worship.

Worship is what we give worth to...what's important to us. We look for something higher than ourselves to give our lives meaning and purpose. We look for something worth living for. We look for something to worship.

The God who made us designed us to worship him, but we have chosen other things...lower things...things that don't fulfill what worship of the true God was meant to do. Worship of God brings focus, peace, direction, joy, happiness. All of these things come because we are doing what we were meant to do- worship and praise the God who made us.

Worship is good for us.

We were made to worship.

Here's one man's worship after a very difficult day. It's a great example of a right focus even in difficult days,

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” -Job

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