Friday, October 29, 2010


Finally! Finally it's cool in Texas. People are smiling. There is a crispness in the air that is exhilarating, refreshing, renewing. Seasons change. The heat of summer is over and for a few weeks we enjoy the cool of fall. It's a wonderful time.
We go through those changes in our lives as well. This change in weather, this ongoing turning of the clock makes me aware of the changes in life. The seasons of life wear us out, beat us up and eventually refresh for a bit. I'm thinking about this more this year because I have a big birthday ahead in a couple weeks. One of the big "O" birthdays. None of them have bothered me, but this one does. This year I'm thinking about mortality, about my life, my investment in the lives of my family, of other people. It's a great time to reevaluate my choices and directions. Seasons give us the change we need to realize time is passing and so are we. As I wear a jacket for the first time this fall I'm grateful for this time to think about the changes of life, the changes in me. It's a moment to thank God for life.
Just thinking a little about mortality....especially mine! I'm glad to know that ahead of me is the unending season of the kingdom of God. A season in time that will only get better as time passes. The final season when life becomes the norm and death will be forgotten forever.....I guess, in this change of season, I'm longing for that eternal season of God's wonderful presence with man and all that will will be the final season and I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. Normally, i will definitely read your blog when i am in a down moment. And, strangely, i manage to find something to read that suit my situation. =)
    I have been praying for something for years. Throughout these 2 years, there were times when the situation just wasn't working at all, i could sense that the Lord was asking me to let go on the thing i have been praying for and focus on other areas in my life that are more important at that season in my life. I did obey and i did focus on another area and grew in it. After 2 years of waiting upon His will, not desiring a lot in the particular thing i am praying for, things seem to fall in place and everything seems to go well suddenly. I start to see hope in it and am happy with that. I believe God is in control of my life. I acknowledge his power in making arrangements in my life. I never fail to pray and submit everything in His hands. But i come to a point now where i cant understand what is happening and what is ahead in my life right now. I am very disappointed because i know God knows the longing in my heart but why cant i see the progress anymore at this point of time. Does God know i am waiting for something and does He know i have been trying hard to submit and obey?
