Thursday, October 28, 2010

Amazing grace

The women's study groups at our church are studying the tabernacle this fall. They have wonderfully recreated the tabernacle in one of our large classrooms and are giving tours this morning. It's a great visual illustration of what it took for the Jewish people to deal with sin and approach God under the law. Our ladies have even found a high priest to serve in the tabernacle. I am worried though....I fear that if this guy enters the holy of holies he may not come out. We are looking for some rope to tie around his ankle.
All this said, some in jest, to contrast what the Jewish people went through under the law and the great benefits we experience under grace. Grace provides for us a finished work accomplished by Jesus Christ himself. He was the final high priest and the only one to meet the needs we have for a resolution of the sin problem and a bridge to God. Now, simply by faith, we enter God's presence, experience forgiveness, find life and the promise of a relationship with the God who made us. It is a most amazing grace we enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to comment the same thing that you did - wonder if this guy would make it out alive! Just kidding, of course. Thankfully we can BOLDLY approach the throne of grace when we need His mercy. I'm thankful to live this side of the temple era.
