Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just thinking...

It's been a couple days since I had time to write. I've been preparing for a sermon this Sunday. I'm teaching from an amazing passage and as I read it, reread it and think about it I'm struck by this thought-

Most Christians don't believe this is true!

It's clear we would all agree we believe it, but when I watch the lives of Christians it's obvious we don't really believe what God says! Like the people of Jeremiah's day we will listen and nod politely, but then do what we want. I would the church in America change if we really believed God's word? How would our lives change if we lived like it's all true?

Just thinking....just wondering....what if we really believed God?

1 comment:

  1. And this is why I'm bringing the Truth Project to our church. I see so many young people being led astray by the lies of the world. Even people in the church calling themselves Christians making un-Christ like decisions and speaking lies that they pass down to their children. I want people to investigate their faith to see if they beleive what they believe is really real.
