Monday, October 18, 2010

Don't push that button!

(This is a story some dear friends told us last night. It's a true story, but I'm sure I won't retell it nearly as well as they did. Thank you both for the great laughs as we listened to your experiences.)
On vacation, finally! It has been a difficult year for my friends. His work is difficult. Her mother was ill and died just a few months ago. All in all 2010 has been a year they will be glad to leave behind. The struggles and stresses of the year made this vacation even more important for them. They both needed it!
And so, off they another part of the country. To a house their daughter owned in the northwest. Beautiful scenery, wonderful weather, calm and rest. It was exactly what they needed. Then this story begins. Beside the bed was a remote. They both wondered what it was for. Was it a remote for the ceiling fan? For the TV? Did it operate something they didn't know about? They talked about it.....the perfect discussion when you have finally gotten away and found some calm...what is that remote for? He said, "I'm going to push the button and find out." She said, "Don't do it. We don't know what it's for." He can't resist. The longer he ignores it the more curious he becomes. She's in the bathroom getting dressed and from the bedroom he hollers, "I'm going to do it, I'm going to push the button." She calls back, "Don't do it." But he does....
....then from the living room he hears, "Step away from the house, the police have been called." He had hit the panic button! He quickly runs to the security panel to turn off the alarm, but as he describes it, "the panel was behind a 900 pound couch." Soon, coming to the door is a police officer. They are still in their undies. A quick scramble for clothing and the unavoidable answer of the door. He explains what happened and from the stairs behind him she says, "I told him not to push the button." The officer responded, "Lady, that's why he did it."
(I would love to elaborate and I have tried. After more than a half dozen attempts at application and closing thoughts I realize the officer made the application for me. I will let the closing words be his...."that's why he did it.")

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