Monday, September 27, 2010

"Meet The Man Who Sneaked Into Auschwitz"

There are stories of lives that amaze me. Stories we have never heard before. This is one of those stories for me. This is the story of Witold Pilecki. Witold's story is amazing. I do encourage you to read the entire story at NPR's web page. Here's the link. Witold got into Auschwitz as a prisoner and stayed there for two and a half years. He got word out to the world and ultimately escaped. Stories like this amaze me. Lives like Witold's inspire me. He risked his life to let the world know how bad this place was.

There are men and women like Witold all around us. Men and women who do the right things, the hard things even if no one ever knows about it. They do it because anyone should. They do it because no one else did. Even if no one ever gave him credit, even if it cost his life he chose to risk everything to reveal to the world the horrors of Auschwitz.

I hope we would be those people, I hope I would be that person....doing the right things even if no one ever knows. Doing the hard things because Jesus did that same thing for his life to reveal to the world the horrible prison sin had created for all of us. Heroes like Witold live out what God has called each of us and women willing to risk everything for the lives and souls of others. Can you tell I was challenged by Witold? I was.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. My mother was born in Poland in 1941. She never spoke much about that time. I just finished a historical fiction book about this time period. Hard to imagine these things happened to real people.
