Wednesday, September 29, 2010


There's always a "because," isn't there? There's always a reason for what we do. We can explain ourselves very well when confronted. I made that decision because.... And with great reason or sometimes no reason at all we explain our actions, our words, our decisions. seems to cover a multitude of sins. This morning I was reading about the life of Moses and he had two "becauses" in his life. Here they are,

Heb. 11:26 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. 27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.

In this amazing chapter God explains the choices Moses made. There were two reasons, 1. he was looking ahead to HIS reward and, 2. he saw him who is invisible.

These were the two great motivators of Moses life. Because there is a reward and because he was aware of God presence. His two great motivators? The PRIZE and the PRESENCE. Often my "because" is a justification for a stupid decision. With Moses it's clear he was keenly aware of both the finish line and the invisible presence of God.

Why do you make the decisions you do? What is your "because?" How do you justify the choices of your life? I love the two things that guided Moses. In fact, I think these should be prime motivators for each of us. Why do I do what I do? BECAUSE there is a prize ahead and BECAUSE there is a presence...God himself. If we used the prize and His presence as motivators for choices in our lives it might change a lot of what we do because....

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