Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Celebrating defeat

I just finished reading 1 Samuel 15 a few minutes ago and this thought is swirling around in my head....this idea of Saul's celebration of what he thought was a great victory, but was in fact a great defeat. How can we miss these things so easily? He saw a win. God saw a fail. He won the battle. God saw a man who didn't obey. Regardless of the results God's win involves obedience. In this passage are the amazing words of Samuel, "to obey is better than sacrifice." God wants our obedience first. Results are secondary. We would say that the ends justify the means. God would tell us we are simply celebrating defeat. It's interesting to me how Saul had so deceived himself that he thought he had obeyed. Did the victory make him feel ok with the way he did it? Do I take short-cuts and justify them by the results? I wonder how often I fail to see things God's way. I wonder how often do I celebrate defeat?


  1. I think I do this daily. I wish there were glasses that we could wear that would always have an arrow pointing in the right direction.

  2. I think that failure is something that God holds dear in us. When we fail we are coming to the end of ourselves. When we come to the end of ourselves, our flesh that is, then we have come to the beginning of God.
