Monday, September 13, 2010

Burning the Quran

I've been watching with interest the foolishness in Florida regarding the pastor who planned to burn the Quran. Now that the hysteria has calmed and the media has moved on to the next story I thought I would comment. Let me comment in three or four different ways with the focus at the beginning of each paragraph.

THE MEDIA- First, let me address the media. It's clear, from this story, that the media is not interested in real news, but only in the stories that will get the attention of a media saturated culture. It has to be emotional, politically incorrect and something that will make someone, anyone, mad. This story should have never made the news. A foolish pastor of a small church should have never gotten the attention of the national media, but he did because he chose to do something that would raise emotions, be politically incorrect and make one billion people mad. Sadly, the media flocked to this story and gave this silly man his 15 minutes in the news.
THE PASTOR- I've addressed this briefly above, but let me say that no real Christian pastor would ever do such a thing as he was planning to do. His actions are so unlike Christ that it's amazing to me that he thinks he's doing the right thing. This story just shows how far from truth we can get if we aren't walking with God and in his word.
THE PUBLIC- Please, please stop looking for a reason to be offended! We have become a culture looking for offense and demanding an apology. Ok, America, do I have to remind you that there are stupid people everywhere. Do you have to get upset about all of them simply because the media has shown the light of the camera on their story? In any culture the fringe of lunacy widens. Ignore it, don't give them a voice. We all know they are there, they aren't going away, but please don't waste your emotional offense on them. They aren't worth it.
THE MUSLIM WORLD- I know few, if any Muslims will read this, but let me make it clear that this is not the way true Christians act. The real Christian, if you have ever met one, is someone who is walking with God, loving his neighbor and trying to please God. The real Christian will love you and care for your soul. This man in Florida is not an example of how God wants us to live.
THE CHRISTIAN WORLD- Clearly this pastor and his church has portrayed an image of the Christian that is not true. Our challenge is to live our lives in such a way that those around us, no matter what their faith or lack of it, will see the love of Christ in our lives, words and witness and be drawn to him. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to be light to a dark world. Jesus said we are the light of the world, the salt that seasons those around us. This is a time to be light and salt and wonderfully illuminate the darkness and season the world with our faith and love as we live out our faith in Christ.


  1. Mike,
    I agree completely. The one thing that infuriates me is that this bufoon "pastor" gets the blame for endangering our troops. The reality, is that had the media not made such a stink, it would have passed into oblivion. It was the media that put the soliders at risk with their irresposible reporting. Ok, enough soapbox. Well said!

  2. Thanks for addressing this, Mike. I agree wholeheartedly. The whole thing also made me stop & think about faith and what it should be in. We go wrong when so much of our faith is put in a thing and not in The Lord God. Perhaps a good memo to people of faith everywhere (Christian, Jewish, Muslim) would be this: Don't worship a book or a symbol. Don't worship any idols at all. The more you do, the less you show the love of God and love for your fellowman. And the same goes for those of faith who publicly burn what others hold dear. Such a loss of focus & a lack of lovingkindness. We should worship the Lord, serve God, and love & help our fellowman. Not incite to riot.

    ~ Laura
