Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The ultimate goal

I've been working on these ideas for several weeks now. I start to write and then must stop for a bit. This topic is so big I'm struggling to put my ideas into words that are enough. Obviously I am not adequate for this task of describing the ultimate goal, but I feel the need to try. Here are my thoughts so far:


As I read 1 John 2 this evening I came to a very short, simple verse, but it made me pause. It's the promise of the Christian faith. Here's this short verse for us to discuss,

1 John 2:25 And this is what he promised us—even eternal life.

When you distill all that we want and hope for it comes down to a hope for the future. What is ahead? What will eternity be like? What awaits me after death? How do I know what is ahead? Provision for eternity was part of what Jesus came to accomplish, but beyond that he came to tell us about the life he was providing...the ultimate goal.


The promise God is offering? Eternal life.


The implication? Not everyone has this life automatically. It's available, but not automatic.


So, what is this eternal life awaiting those who trust him? What does it look like? For that we need Jesus' words,

John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

The promise? Eternal life.


What is that life? Knowing God.

These thoughts are echoed in an e-mail I got from an old friend a few days ago. In his letter he wrote,

"He created us by His grace that we "might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." He calls that "life eternal." That's the purpose of life--to have perfect fellowship with God and to know Him."


The ultimate goal of life is to know God. This is the quest of every human heart. We all KNOW that we want to know God, but many avoid this tug of the heart because they want their own way. And yet, the ultimate quest, the ultimate goal of life is to know God. We all want it even if we don't admit it.


This has been God's quest for man since he made us. God WANTS us to know him. He made us to know him. Why? Knowing him is the ultimate goal....the greatest goal....the most important thing. We can't even imagine what that will be like, but it's God's goal for us. Any attempts we make now to know him fits perfectly with his desires for us...the ultimate goal....knowing him.

As I finish these thoughts I still feel I have left so much out....I wish I had enough words for these thoughts. Knowing God...to finally know the one who made me...to know him will be the ultimate goal. What a wonderful way to begin eternity.



  1. When I pray, this is what I pray for. I want to know God better, and when I do catch a glimpse it always takes my breath away.

    A song by Addison Road "What Do I Know Of Holy" says it this way, "I caught a glimpse of who you might be, the slightest hint of you brought me down to my knees."

  2. Knowing God has to be the starting point of eternal life. Apart from knowing God we can have no hope that eternal life would be better than this existance we now have. Depression is an all too common problem of life in the flesh. A major cause of depression is loss of hope that tomorrow will be better than today. If we do not know the God ( Who is sovereign over tomorrow ) and think that He is like even the best of us, we cannot have much hope.
