Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Superman saves family from forclosure

The Huffington Post, August 3, 2010

"It sounds like the stuff of superhero stories: a family on the brink of foreclosure saved their home when they found a rare copy of Superman's debut comic, Action Comics #1, in their basement.

ABC reports that the family, who wished to remain anonymous, were packing up for foreclosure on their home in the South -- where they have lived since the 1950's -- when they came across a stash of "old magazines" and "old comic books", according to Asylum. They contacted Stephen Fishler, co-owner of New York's ComicConnect, to see what they could pawn.

Fishler told Asylum, "They came across what appears to be an Action #1." Dubious at first, given that 99.9% of such calls were bogus, he realized it was the real deal when the couple texted him a photo.

Fishler took the copy to Comic-con last week for a valuation. It received a "Very Good" status with 5/10 points, ABC News reports. It is expected to fetch at least $250,000 through an auction on ComicConnect's website on August 27th."
Stories like this make us smile. In the nick of the last moment...miraculously their home is saved. But the solution to their problem was in the basement all along. They simply didn't know it. As they packed for eviction, when their lives seemed over, their redemption (which had been hiding in the basement for decades) is suddenly discovered. This is the story of the gospel. In our hour of need the redemption that will save us is discovered...and we find that it's been available all along....waiting for us to give up on saving ourselves. Then, when all seems lost, God reveals the salvation we need. It's a great story. A story of redemption.

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