Saturday, August 14, 2010


Who will God use? How does he work? How has the "American dream" corrupted the message of the gospel? That's the message of a new book titled "Radical." I'm halfway through it now and loving it! David is pastor of a large successful church, but writes about the horrible curse we have brought on the church as we look for the best speaker as a pastor, the hip new worship leaders and the amazing building. As I read this book I am amazed at how easily we have become cultural Christians and not biblical Christians. It happens so easily. The church in America has become a consumer driven machine to get the crowds, the money and the acclaim. As I read David's book I'm once more drawn to simply teaching God's word without all the gizmos and gadgets and watching God work in a faith community. It's far too early for a book review on this work but I am really enjoying "Radical."


  1. Have you finished reading this book yet? I saw it on my Nook and wondered if it was any good (well, I'd have to buy it, but I looked at it on my Nook).

    I like that comparison - cultural Christians vs. BIBLICAL Christians. Wow. Talk about needing to do a little reflection on my life....(ouch)

  2. almost done. I like the book, but it's convicting. I would encourage you to read it.

    the comparison is mine based on the best concepts I could come up with. read it and let me know what you think.

  3. I might have to download it on my Nook.

    I was looking at a book to download by Ravi Zacharias called, "The Grand Weaver". I downloaded a sample and really enjoyed it. Have you read it? The other book that caught my interest is the one called "Son of Hamas" (Can't remember the author). Have you read it?

  4. Lori, I haven't read either of the books you mentioned, but know of them. Anything by Ravi is great. The son of Hammas is a great book about the story of the son of one of the Hammas founders. He tells his story of conversion. I've seen the interviews with him and heard from others that the book is really good, but haven't read it yet.
