Monday, August 16, 2010

Back from Paris...

I just got back from a great weekend in Paris....Paris, Texas to be specific. A good friend asked me to help him the Sunday after their pastor of 30 years had resigned from the church. So, yesterday I spoke to their church family, morning and evening, to help them with what to do "after the earthquake." They have a wonderful church family and were all looking for hope and encouragement. God used me to give them just what they needed (at least that's what they told me). It was a great blessing to them and to me as well. I always wonder, as I speak to people I don't know, what God is doing in their lives. I wonder what my ministry to them accomplished for eternity. It's such an honor to be used by God. I look forward to the Bema when we will see what he did with our availability.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Mike. The challenge for me is to not spend the time wondering what He is doing but to be faithful and trust that He is doing! I know it's an abuse of context, but Habakkuk 1:5 pops to mind. Serve on, brother.
