Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Things to do on vacation

I'm on vacation for a couple weeks. We are getting ready to paint the inside of our house. It hasn't been done since we have been here, so it's about time. So, to get ready, we have to clear all the walls, clean up and get rid of all the clutter. While I have the time off I am also making a headboard for our bed. We have never had one, so I thought I would make one. For some that would be a small thing, but there are three problems, 1. I am not handy, 2. I don't have the tools I need, and 3. I don't know how to do it. This makes for a perfect comedy of errors or becoming a master of making something in a way it's never been done before. I think I am experiencing a little of both. I have the headboard partially made. There are some problems, but I think I can sand them away. The hard part has been doing all of this without the tools I need to make it right. Everything is harder if you don't have the tools for the task.
I think it works that way in the Christian life as well. That's why we are instructed to put God's word into our hearts and minds. It teaches us how to do things the right way. It gives us the tools we need to do things well. It makes every decision much easier. A Christian without the tools in God's word will find it much harder to live the Christian life, to do what God wants you to do. You simply don't know how and you don't have the tools you need for the task.
My wife is kindly excited about my project. She says she will be proud of my efforts. But it would be much better if I had the tools I need and if I knew what I was doing. Hopefully I can get this project finished tomorrow. I do want it to look good. Regardless of the outcome I'm glad I tried to do something like this. Now I know how important the tools of a craft are. Now I understand how important it is to know what you're doing.


  1. What a great post and how appropriate across many areas ....the pain program here in Cleveland has spoken frequently about giving the kids the tools they need to get past and manage pain episodes. It struck me that Jesus was a carpenter by trade and skilled in using tools in the natural and spiritual sense. I guess that as we are continually being conformed into His image, it makes perfect sense for us to learn from the Master Craftsman!!(1 Corinthians 15:46)

  2. I'm so impressed! But I don't know if all that work sounds like vacation to me. =-) Hope you have some time with a cup of fresh roasted coffee and a good book.

  3. Lori, I'm fitting in coffee and books! It wouldn't be a vacation without coffee, books and time to rest.
