Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Getting back to the basics

"We have water. Thank you Lord."
This short praise was on Facebook this morning from a dear friend, Ruth Scott. She and her husband, LJ, are in Haiti as missionaries. Before the earthquake Haiti was a hard place to live, but since the earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands it's become much harder. And so, this morning, Ruth is thankful for the simple things...for water. It made me think. I haven't thanked the Lord once for water in recent years. It's always there! I've not been grateful for the simple things that are "normal" because they are always there. You only begin to be thankful when you don't have it and then it's once more restored.
Paul wrote, "Give thanks in (for) all things for this is the will of God for you." Why don't I do that? How do I take things for granted so easily...as if it's my due? I haven't thanked the Lord for air conditioning in a long time. I haven't said "thank you" to God for a place to live, a great vocation, amazing people to hang out with and a host of other things. I think this is what Jesus meant when he talked about a hard heart. It's a heart that doesn't acknowledge God and realize I only have these things because he gives them to me. I'm sorry, Lord, that I have become so hard of heart. It wasn't on purpose.....it just happened. So, let me join Ruth's voice this morning and say "Thank you, Lord, for water. You are most kind to bless me so richly. Help me to not be a thankless brute as I've easily become in the past. Help me to live with a keen awareness of your provision and say thank you for it."

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