Friday, June 04, 2010

Thankful is a decision

Most of us will admit that being thankful is never automatic. We are always wanting something more, just a little bit more, only that one more thing....and then there is another. To truly be thankful is to intentionally take the time to say to God, "thank you!" for what you have right now and not focus on what you don't have. The eyes set on what is lacking will never be thankful for what is given.

Paul described it this way, "Give thanks in (for) all things (each thing as it comes) for this is God's will for you." His will for us is an intentional heart of thanks expressed to the one who gave us all things to enjoy. It's his open hand that thankful hearts celebrate. That person who can never give thanks for what is given now is the one looking at what is still needed. Don't miss the joy of the things God gives today simply because there is more you need. Be thankful for each thing that God's hand gives and your day will be filled with thanksgiving. It's so easy to miss the joy of God's grace because you are focused on your own definition of when you will be happy and what that will look like. Thanking God is a decision. Give thanks for something today.

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