Thursday, June 03, 2010

Keys to the walk

Once a month I come to this passage in Proverbs. It has been foundational for me in my walk with God. It's one of the keys to the walk. I probably should start each day with it, but coming to it once a month reminds me, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to remember. I need this every day." Here are the verses and then some thoughts-
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Here are the things I need to remember, 1. trust in God is a decision I make, 2. the alternative is to "lean" on my own understanding of what I see...what I think...what I understand is going on. I never see things the way they really are, so I can trust God OR lean on my understanding of what I see. I've always found that I don't understand as much as I think I do and even to lean on it will not be reliable. But to trust in God! I can stand on that, rest my whole weight on him and he will take care of me. My understanding cannot even hold me up with only a "lean" against it. 3. Trust has application, it has to do with where I go. I have to "acknowledge him." In The MESSAGE it says, "Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track." To acknowledge him is to include him in my ways. Trust in him means I include him in my walk, in my ways and seek his guidance as I go. It's a walk with the living God as my guide, and 4. "he will make my paths straight." He will guide me. I need that. I get lost so easily. Amid the distractions of the day I lose sight of him, but if I start with him as we begin the walk he will make sure to keep me on track.
These two short verses have been life changing for me. They have for many others as well. They give direction, and a promise of a destination. It's a walk that demands trust, but when you know the alternative...leaning on my own in God is the best choice. So, today I'm once more reminded of two verses I need daily. Today, Lord, make my paths straight, lead me, guide me and help me to trust you more today than I trust myself.

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