Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ready, aim, fire!

This morning I get to spend an hour with about 70 of our wonderful ladies. They have been studying Revelation for this whole semester and today is the last session and a time to ask me any questions they have about the book of Revelation. I'm really looking forward to our time together.....really. I know they will have a lot of great questions to fire at me.....I hope I have some good answers.


  1. Are women really that bad?? Or is it because they are asking questions about Revelation? Seems like you did pretty good with our Revelation class last year. You always have the out..."Wow - great question! I don't know - Scripture doesn't specifically say." Works for me.

  2. Lori, No, they weren't bad at all. It just felt like I was getting ready for the firing squad awaiting a bunch of questions I hadn't prepared for and 70 women. A Q&A session is always fun, but you never know what kind of questions to anticipate. It went very well and I think we all had a great time. And, they were very kind to me and gave me easy questions. And, yes, I had to use the "That's a great question, I don't know." several times.
